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Author: Elaine Lynch

5th and 6th Art Work

5th and 6th Art Work

The creativity in Rang a Cúig and Rang a Sé has been so impressive over the last few weeks!  We have been learning about Picasso and used oil pastels to explore and illustrate the various shapes and lines used in his facial portraits.Look how effective they turned out!   Following on from Picasso, we further explored how the use of lines can be manipulated to create a 3d image of the hand when combined with simple coloured patterns.    As…

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Sunsets by 3rd & 4th Class

Sunsets by 3rd & 4th Class

The children had great fun experimenting with shade and colour, mixing paints and blending with their fingers! The object of the lesson was to capture a night sky at twilight and I think you will agree that the children have created some stunning images, highlighting shadow and depth in their pictures. some pictures also have a wonderful sense of movement in them. Well done! We hope the children continue to experiment with colour and paint at home over the summer…

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Climate Change Projects

Climate Change Projects

As part of our Pride of Place award we have been learning about the impact of climate change on our daily lives and the environment. We formed groups and explored many aspects including global warming, the greenhouse effect and how climate change affects the animal world and their habitats.We then presented our projects to the whole school. We learned alot- hopefully we can all start by making little changes and spreading the word. 

Pride of Place

Pride of Place

Rang a Cúig and Rang a Sé, having recently learned about the old Irish ‘Hedge Schools’,  learned how to weave willow to develop their own willow hut.They used willow branches to weave a wall and form a beautiful hut which would give any modern class room a run for it’s money! Well done on your great teamwork guys!

3rd & 4th Class Projects

3rd & 4th Class Projects

Well done to the boys and girls of 3rd and 4th class, who gave presentations at our school assembly today. Each group researched one crop and one type of weed and then told the rest of the children what they had discovered. The posters they made were both colourful and informative! 

Our Garden Scarecrows

Our Garden Scarecrows

Wow! Superb scarecrows designed by the pupils of 3rd & 4th Class! A huge thank you to all involved! I think you’ll all agree that the front of the school is looking a lot more interesting these days!! Well done to all !

Construction Work in First and Second Class

Construction Work in First and Second Class

We really enjoyed making our dioramas. We painted, sculpted, decorated, created, cut, stuck, hung, buttoned, placed, and finally glittered our wonderful scenes. We had fun doing all this. A lot of effort was put into this task. It was a very relaxing exercise after all the work for the First Holy Communion. We hope you all enjoy looking at our masterpieces!

3rd and 4th Get Their Hands Dirty Planting Wildflower Seeds

3rd and 4th Get Their Hands Dirty Planting Wildflower Seeds

We have decided to begin a wildflower meadow at the front of the school and 3rd & 4th class were on hand to help get things started! The children mixed compost/grit and half filled some seed trays. The soil was watered and then the seeds were placed on top. They need to be placed near a westerly facing wall so they are currently beside the cabin. They will be waatered daily and monitored.