Confirmation Class
Congratualtions to the boys and girls of 6th class who recently made their Confirmation in Castletown Church.
Congratualtions to the boys and girls of 6th class who recently made their Confirmation in Castletown Church.
Well done to both the boys and girls teams, who participated in the FAI 5 a side competition earlier this month.
Thank you to everyone who supported our Daffodil Day. The coffee morning was a great success and enjoyed by all. We sold lots of pins and received lots of donations. The grand total came to €1020 and was greatfully accepted by The Irish Cancer Society.
The children had tonnes of fun exploring mechanics, engineering and much more through the use of Lego Education. Lots of budding engineers in the making!
Congratulations to our Senior Team who came 3rd in the Credit Union Quiz. Well done to our Junior Team, Ellie, Diarmuid and Ciarán who also did us proud.
We were delighted to welcome Chloe Mahon to our school today to work with 3rd & 4th. We began a 5 week hurling programme whereby the children learn the necessary skills required to play the skillful sport. Helmets and hurls were provided and the girls and boys had lots of fun chasing the sliotars
5th & 6th class Rugby Blitz
September Newsletter 2018
Dear Parents, Some points of interest for you Swimming: The swimming classes have been finalised. We will have a series of 8 lessons beginning April 13th. The total cost, including transport, is €60 per pupil, payable on Monday 9th All those wishing to be Garda Vetted must return the forms to the school tomorrow, Friday 23rd. Easter Holidays: School closing this Friday at 12noon for Easter Holidays. Reopening on Monday 9th April – Enjoy the break! Cash for Clobber A…