Aladdin Pantomime
27/11/’17 Dear Parents, We are organising a trip to Mill Theatre Dundrum on Tuesday 12th December to a show called “Aladdin”
27/11/’17 Dear Parents, We are organising a trip to Mill Theatre Dundrum on Tuesday 12th December to a show called “Aladdin”
Look at our lovely Pointillism pictures.
Fun and Science during Science Week 2017
Annual Cross Country competition in Bellewstown.
14/11/’17. Dear Parents, Defibrillator – We have some great news.
Fancy Dress Cake Sale in aid of school defibrillator.
Just when you thought it was safe to go into the Infants’ room!
Scary times in 5th and 6th.
18/10/’17. Dear Parents, • There will be a clothing collection at the school on Wednesday morning, 25th October.
Gymnastics lessons on the new mats purchased by the Parents’ Association.