

List of Book Rental Books

Hi All

Here is a list of the book rentals for each class to be returned to the school next Friday 12th June 5-7pm.

Junior and Senior Infants 

English -Starlight Junior Infants Core Readers 1-4

English – Starlight Senior Infants Core Readers 1-4

1st and 2nd Class

English -Starlight 1st Class Core Reader/ Starlight 2nd Class Core Reader

My Read at Home Book 1/Read at Home 2

Gaeilge -Cairde le Chéile Leabhar 2

S.E.S.E – Fallon’s Small World 2nd Class

3rd and 4th Class

English – Read at Home 3/ Read at Home 4

Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading & Skills Book

Gaeilge -Abair Liom E

Léigh sa Bhaile C/ Léigh sa Bhaile D

Ag Súgradh (small reader)

Geography & Science – Fallon’s Small World 4 

History – Fallon’s Small World 4

5th and 6th Class

Maths – Menal Maths 5th / Mental Maths 6th    

English – Starlight 5

My Read At Home 5/Read at Home 6

Gaeilge– Abair Liom G

Léigh sa Bhaile E/Léigh sa Bhaile F

Ag Campáil (Small Reader)

S.E.S.E. – Small World History/ Geography and Science 6

Any outstanding Oxford Reading Tree Books or Guided Reading Books to be returned also.


Music for this week

5th and 6th class – Please try the second half of the Cup of tea. You have the sheet and video.

3rd and 4th class – Please try the second half of Sliabh russell. You have the sheet and video.

1st and 2nd class -Please try the first half of the Pooka polka. It’s on the sheet with Royal County March

Joyful June

Life is full of challenges especially right now. But however tough things may get, there is still so much to appreciate and be grateful for. You can find simple reminders to look for what’s good, even in difficult times, using our new Joyful June Calendar.


Amber Flag Award

I am absolutely delighted to announce that Kilbeg National School has been awarded the Amber Flag for our efforts with focusing on and promoting Positive Mental Health in our school this year. The Pieta House team commented that Kilbeg NS made an ‘outstanding application’ to this initiative and that they were ‘truly overwhelmed with our commitment and dedication’ with our goals and efforts particularly over the last few months. I’m extremely proud of how well our staff, pupils and families embraced this initiative and that we all share the same belief and appreciation that our wellbeing and mental health are precious and need to be nurtured and looked after. I’m very proud and grateful to be part of such a special school community and even despite the distance between us all over the last months, we have pulled together to support and promote positive mental health and I look forward to the day we can celebrate the raising of that beautiful Amber Flag together!!!

Louise O’Connor 

Amber Flag Award